Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Busy, Busy

First off, let me say that there are no new kid pics this week. But I will reach back into the archives for a couple.

This past week has been pretty busy. Work has been especially hectic - the CEV project I am working on is really in high gear. The LEAP test is this week, so Steph is not having fun either. Instead of going to work this past weekend, I decided to stain the new fence before it turns grey. Just the outside took all afternoon Sunday. That makes me rethink the inside... maybe grey isn't so bad. :)

The animated movie "The Incredibles" came out on DVD on 3/15. The kids were excited!

I submitted some pictures to the Slidell Art League on Monday, and they will be displayed for a month. Thanks to all who helped me select the pictures. There was a shortage of submissions this month, so they are allowing more per person. So I may submit 1 or 2 more.

As promised, some pics from the archive:

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Birds, Grass and Spaceships

Not much has happened since last week, other than me working mucho overtime. This new project I'm working on is Lockheed's take on NASA's Crew Exploration Vehicle. More info on the project is HERE. Our vehicle looks like the 2nd from the left.

On the homefront, the kids are doing great. The weather today was perfect, so the kids had a good time on their daily walk. Ethan says, "Grass is big!".

The warmer weather is bring out the swamp wildlife. I took this while leaving work on Saturday. It is not a great shot - I want to try for a better shot soon. The swamps along my drive to work are really pretty.

Until next time...