Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Superheros and a Top 10

As promised, here are more superhero pictures.

Spidergirl revealed!

I was playing around on the computer and came up with this. I think it turned out pretty well considering it took about 10 minutes to do.

Also, I got 9th place in the "Abandoned Buildings" challenge this week.

To see all the winners, go here:

"Abandoned Building" winners

I just wish I had the landscapes that the top winners had. Not fair!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Lots of Pics

This weekend was very productive, as far as pictures go.

Superman and Spiderman came by to visit for a while. I caught this shot as Superman was showing off. I'll post one of Spidey soon.

Thanks to the weatherman's prediction for a nice sunrise, I got up early Saturday morning and headed to the bayou. I think I got some nice shots. Y'all be the judge.

I have more pics to post, but that's enough for this time. More to come...

Monday, April 04, 2005

Enjoying Spring

What a beautiful weekend. There was a small airshow at the Slidell Airport on Saturday, so Steph and I took the kids to see, as Ethan put it, the "big airplanes". As far as airshows go, it was pretty weak, but the kids got to see some acrobatics. They even got to see a tank and to sit in a helicopter.

These pictures were taken on Sunday, while the kids were enjoying the weather.